Reading Groups

I organize two long-term online reading groups.

Proof-Based Math Readings

Proof-Based Math Readings is a free and independent online reading group where we study mathematics required in economics master’s/PhD programs using an intuitive approach.

This reading group has 27 members for now and accepts new members.

Our syllabuses and application form are available at

Term Syllabus Book Duration
2026 Summer Graph Theory A First Course in Graph Theory
- Gary Chartrand, Ping Zhang (2012)
12 Weeks
2025 Summer Measure Theory Measure, Integration & Real Analysis
- Sheldon Axler (2023)
12 Weeks
2025 Summer Numerical
Linear Algebra
Numerical Linear Algebra
- Lloyd N. Trefethen, David Bau III (2022)
12 Weeks
2025 Spring Optimization A First Course in Optimization Theory
- Rangarajan K. Sundaram (1996)
12 Weeks
2024 Winter Bayesian
Bayesian Econometrics
- Gary Koop (2003)
12 Weeks
2024 Fall Measure
A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory
- Jeffrey S. Rosenthal (2nd Edition, 2006)
12 Weeks
2024 Summer Large Sample
Elements of Large-Sample Theory
- E. L. Lehmann (1999)
12 Weeks
2024 Summer Statistics Statistical Inference
- George Casella, Roger Berger (2nd Edition, 2024)
12 Weeks
2024 Spring Linear Algebra Linear Algebra Done Right
- Sheldon Axler (4th Edition, 2024)
12 Weeks
2023 Winter Topology Topology
- James Munkres (2nd Edition, 2014)
12 Weeks
2023 Fall Matrix Algebra Matrix Algebra
- Karim M. Abadir, Jan R. Magnus (2005)
12 Weeks
2023 Summer Real Analysis Basic Analysis I
- Jiri Lebl (Version 6.0, 2023)
12 Weeks
2023 Summer Proof Techniques Book of Proof
- Richard Hammack (3.3 Edition, 2022)
8 Weeks

Machine Learning Readings

An Introduction to Statistical Learning - Gareth James, Trevor Hastie, Daniela Witten,
Rob Tibshirani, Jonathan Taylor (2nd Edition 2021)

This reading group has 10 members.

(Summer 2023)